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Volume 5  Issue 10




Candlewick crystal was manufactured by the Imperial Glass Company. It became a division of Lenox, Inc., in Bellaire, Ohio in 1977. It was produced from 1936 until the company closed in 1982. It was named "candlewick"
because the design resembled tufted needlework created by the pioneer women. The design consisted of a row of small crystal balls which surrounded the rims of bowls, plates, the foot of tumblers, and the handles of pitchers.
Although, the most common are the single row of crystal balls, there were some that had stacked balls. Candlewick crystal pieces are usually found in clear crystal. A few pieces were made in colors of Ruby, Viennese Blue,
Ritz Blue, and a gold wash. There were two lines; Valley Lily and Floral which had the candlewick shape and had an etched design. These are very scarce today.

Some of the harder pieces to find are desk calendars which were made as gifts to company employees and customers, a chip and dip set,and a dresser set that included a cologne bottle, powder jar, clock, and mirror.

To view some examples of Candlewick: Candlewick Crystal


Hazel Atlas produced sherbets, goblets, wine glasses, and cocktail glasses from the 1940's through the 60's. These are being mistaken for candlewick. They are usually found in antique stores, malls and are priced and labeled
as "candlewick". They were made with crystal, green, ruby, green, or amber tops on a crystal foot ringed with small glass balls. The flared part of the foot is ribbed, which is different from the Imperial Candlewick. They are
becoming collectibles, but do not have the value of the Imperial Candlewick.


Michiana Association of Candlewick Collectors
National Imperial Glass Collectors Society
Official Price Guide to Glassware - First Edition
Kovels' Antiques & Collectibles Price List 1991
Schroeder's Antiques Price Guide - Eighteenth Edition
Garage Sale & Flea Market Annual - Third Edition


The Next Monthly Newsletter will feature Perfume Bottles.


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