Vol. 3 Issue 1
To understand what exactly "Ruby Red Flashed Patterned Glass" is, you will need to break it down into two different phrases. " Ruby Red Flashed" is a term used to describe a
process of making a piece of glass appear to be a solid color of ruby red. In order to do this, red ruby glass is blown, cooled, then dipped in clear, molten glass. This process
gives it a thin colored coat or film of color in relation to the amount of clear glass used. There is some confusion on the difference of Ruby Flashed and Ruby Stained. They are
not the same. Ruby Flashed has a thin layer of clear glass over the Ruby colored glass. Ruby Stained is a ruby stain over the clear glass, making it easily scratched. "Patterned
Glass" is when clear or colored glass is pressed into a pattern. So, there you have it! Ruby Red Flashed Pattern Glass is a piece that has red ruby colored glass dipped in clear
glass to protect the red ruby color and then pressed into a mold to make a pattern.
Ruby Flashed Patterned Glass dates back as far as the Victorian era through the 20th century. Some were engraved with the owner's name, a date, or a location, probably to com-
memorate a special occasion. It was a very popular item at fairs at the turn of the century until the 1920's. Pattern glass comes in hundreds of patterns made by hundreds of
companies. One of which was the Indiana Glass Company. It was noted for its many machine-pressed depression pattern glass. The first pressing machine was invented by Deming
Jarves of the Boston and Sandwich Glass Company in 1828. By the 1860's the glass pressing machine had been so improved that mass production was able to produce good quality
tableware sets.
Early pattern glass was made with a lead formula which gave glassware a ringing sound when tapped. During the Civil War, lead became too valuable to use for glassware. A new
formula of soda lime was developed by Hobbs, Brockunier and Co. of West Virginia in 1864.
Lexington by Indiana Glass:
Waterford by Westmoreland:
Crystal Wedding:
American Whitehall by Indiana Glass:
Ruby Stained King's Crown by Indiana Glass:
Ruby Stained King's Crown by Adam's Co.:
#708 by Tiffin:
King's Crown Collection
Official Price Guide To Glassware, First Edition by Mark Pickvet
Garage Sale and Flea Market Annual , Third Edition by Nostalgia Publishing
Schroeder's Antiques and Price Guide, Eighteenth Edition
The next Nancy's Antiques & Collectibles Newsletter will feature Vandor Ceramics.
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